Saturday, October 2, 2010

Nature Station Fun

No, this is not Emily. This is her lesser half and second in command taking over for a Saturday afternoon post. This is my first attempt into the blogging world, so please bear with me. Emily and 'Mar (Grandmother) decided to go to Clarksville today for some shopping. Maddie and I tend to not be the best, or most patient, shoppers. We decided to take advantage of the beautiful fall day and head over to the Nature Station in Land Between the Lakes. Maddie has been once before and loved it, so we thought we would try it again. Below are some of our pictures.

Maddie is enjoying some Juice while checking out this Turkey. Gobble Gobble!!

We really enjoyed this Screech Owl, or as Maddie would call it, "Baby Owl". As you can see from the picture she is being a little bit bossy. She is telling the owl that it needs to get a drink of water.

Turtle Power!!

As you have probably seen in previous posts, Maddie is obsessed with organizing toys and putting them in what she deems "proper order". So we did some lining up of various bugs and puzzle pieces. Lately when trying to play with Maddie or help her in her sorting she becomes quite dominant. If it doesn't meet her expectations then you will receive a firm, "My Turn!! My Turn!!" I think she has a future as a Quality Engineer.

No Fear!! This little girl has no fear of this slithering reptile. I wish I would have gotten some more pictures of her with the venomous snakes, but alas this is all that I got. She is enjoying a lollipop that she earned by playing a butterfly game. Blue, of course. You can see that she has a special owl necklace around her neck. We did an art project and made this masterpiece. Well, I may have been the lead designer, but my sweet daughter was there for moral support.

We had a great time, although we did miss our mommy. We hope to be making another trip to the Nature Station in the near future. I'm sure once Baby Jack is here, Mommy will request (and Daddy will gladly accept) some alone time with the new baby.

Well that's about it for my first entrance into the blogging world. Maybe I will join you again in the future.

1 comment:

Amber said...

You did good K-dawg!!! I'm impressed. Thorougly enjoyed reading your post...come back soon!