Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Cunningham Trio

Here are a few family pics we took this weekend... unfortunately, the weather wasn't the greatest for taking pictures - but they still turned out pretty cute. Maddie has recently started walking... so, I added a cute walking sequence at the end =) She's still very wobbly, but it's so cute to see her teeter back and forth... whenever she falls she always pops right up and tries again. I love that about her... She's a very determined little eleven month old.

Here we start the walking...

Friday, April 3, 2009

TuTu Cute!!

Today we took some pics of Maddie for her 1st birthday card at my mom's house in Franklin, TN... gotta love a tutu!! Surprisingly she didn't mind wearing it at all... and she even didn't try to grab her feathery hair accessory either(thanks, Ashlee). I tried to play around with photoshop on a couple of the 400+ photos we took today(I'm in camera withdraw-can you tell?). I still have a lot to learn but it was really fun playing with these simple photo effects. Still missing my camera, hopefully i will see it's beautiful flash by the end of next week... until then, I will keep having to bum off of the generosity of others - thanks guys!!