Sunday, August 15, 2010

Baby Jack... or as Maddie calls him "Bebe Dack"

Here's the latest addition to the Cunningham clan, introducing... Baby Jack!! We had three ultrasounds with this little guy due to some "complications" that are no longer complications, yay. We had a feeling it was a boy from the beginning and decided to name him after Kevins' grandfather, Jack. We can't decide on a middle name yet, but hopefully we can come up with something in the next couple of months, hopefully. Boys names are hard for me for some reason, oh well. He is due on October 30th... as we all know Halloween is the 31st and some know that my birthday is November 1st, so we are hoping that he will decide to not make his grand entrance on either of those two days, lol. Actually, we are hoping he decides to follow his big sisters lead and come a couple weeks early, please? :)

With Maddie we had an awesome home birth experience(yes, on purpose - always the first question people ask me when they find out she was delivered at home). With Jack, we are also planning on another home birth. I was always nervous with Maddie about the fear of the "unknown" involved with pushing a human being out of your body... however it was such a quick and great experience. Now I couldn't even imagine having a hospital birth. With baby Jack... I no longer have a fear of the "unknown"... it's a definite fear of the known, lol. Even though Maddie's birth was a great experience, it's not something you really look forward to doing again... the bigger I get the more I realize "oh, crap... this thing has got to come out". I am looking forward to NOT being pregnant anymore, some women love it and claim it's "amazing" or that they "never felt better". I would like to know where those women live so I can come over and kick them. Morning sickness, Exhaustion and weight gain is not exactly my idea of a good time.

We are excited about baby Jack and look forward to meeting this new little guy.
Hopefully sooner than later :)

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