Jacks' new room is coming along... we were originally going to put him in the guest room, but we decided to give him our master bedroom and instead we would move into the smaller room, are we not awesome parents or what?? Don't even get me started on the closet differences.
We decided to paint the room beige and go with a nature theme if you will... trees, birds and such.
Here are a few things that we have and are working on in his room...

I fell in love with these curtains when I originally saw them in a nursery featured on ohdeedoh.com ... I was even happier when I found them still available online at Urban Outfitters. Needless to say the next day six panels were ordered, yay!!

I found this 5x8 woodgrain rug at Target and it was a bargain: rug, check!

These vinyl trees are another favorite find from the best site ever... ETSY!!
They were pretty easy to apply but it took forever figuring out which branch to put on which tree... all in all, I love them!! Definitely my favorite part of the room. I'm thinking about putting all kinds of different picture frames on the wall to create a type of family tree. Maybe.
I made these little birds to put on a tree branch that we're going to hang for the mobile.
And here is a peek of the room right now, as I said before... we are still working on the room, but we do have a lot of things figured out. This has probably been my favorite part preparing for Jack's arrival, I love seeing it all come together!!
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