Saturday, March 7, 2009

Spring is in the air...

Here is Maddie's first experience with a flower... I didn't exactly know how she would react to holding her very own daffodil, either A.) she would try to eat it(naturally), B.) it would be destroyed in mere seconds or C.) she would try to share it(her new trick). Well, she thought about eating it while giving it a lick, then... picked off one petal... she definitely wasn't interested in sharing... to my surprise she just held and looked at it. Seriously?? This is not how my child acts... she was being so careful and acting like such a little lady, I almost expected to see her pinky point out. What a nice change of pace... so glad to see that she can be calm and gentle!!


Counting Our Blessings said...

How sweet! Oh, and I absolutely LOVE the Racers Cheerleader outfit!!!

Ron S. said...

These are some of my favrite Maddie pictures :-)