Maddie and I decided to brave the Columbus streets in need of adventure, in need of excitement, in need of a children's museum?... ok, sure... why not. A local Columbian(?) told us of this magical place for children called COSI. So we traveled 20 min. to downtown Columbus(how we actually made it there in one piece, I'll never know-I hate one way streets!!) to seek it out. It was awesome!! There was an entire level called kidzone just for toddlers filled with water, balls, blocks, germs and more. After we played there for a couple of hours we decided to visit other areas of the museum which included... an ocean exhibit, space exhibit, media center, frog exhibit, gadgets and more. And of course we visited the gift shop filled with everything a little girls heart could desire, she even got to pick her own souvenir... which happened to be a stuffed "E-COLI" strange perhaps... but fun. It looks like a brown football with about 10-15 shoelaces hanging from it, for a girl obsessed with shoes this was a definite winner!! Sorry for the amount of photos... It's hard not to post all 300!!

Maddie loved all of the balls rolling around everywhere!!

Where's waldo?... Where's Maddie?

She also loved these balls suspended in air... and desperately wanted to grab them!!

Maddie has recently started standing by herself, but she will only do it when she is unaware... like holding onto a toy, car or something. Here she was pushing this car along when all the sudden it got away from her... she was so focused on the other children around her that she didn't even notice that she was standing by herself.

She loved this water table for infants... they had a larger scale one for toddlers that looked intriguing also. surprisingly she didn't get too wet.

She looks like bugs bunny with those two little teeth

I love her funny little expressions
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